7° "A" y "B"

7° “A” & “B”

Hello Children!!! I hope you are fine! Les dejo una actividad. Recuerden enviar las tareas a mi e-mail missroxana2020@gmail.com o por EDMODO.

Cariños, Miss Roxana.


      A)    Read

         A)    Choose.
1)      Benny and Tommy get up/go to sleep at 7 o´clock every day.
2)      They play football/have dinner in the evening.
3)      They like/don´t like hamburgers and chips.
4)      They can´t play/can play football.
5)      They don´t go to school/play football in summer

         B)    Read the story again and write TRUE or FALSE.
             1)      Benny and Tommy are brothers.

             2)      Tommy goes to school in summer.
             3)      Benny and Tommy play tennis.
             4)      They like hamburgers.

C)    Let´s play! Entra al link, complete la actividad y envíame el resultado por e-mail. Good luck!