8/7 Intruduce yourself

Hello again! 👋 Let’s go on working on the same video.

After watching it you must write TRUE 👍 or  FALSE👎 ,  correct the false staments
(después de ver el video nuevamente, escribir True o False, corregir las oraciones que son falsas)

1.       They are at school          ____________
2.       They are looking for their class   __________
3.       The first classroom they see is number two hundred  _____________
4.       The boy’s name is Peter Smith _______________
5.       The girl’s surname is Lin   _____________
6.       Miss Smith is in room 201  _____________
7.       Miss Taylor is in room 200  ____________
8.       They finally enter the clasroom ___________

Remember! è     Pueden hacerlo en Word o en la carpeta y me mandan foto al mail.
       Miss Gaby