"Imagine: John Lennon" soundtrack)
1) Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IQYiJxe708
Ver el video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IQYiJxe708
2) Now practise the song. A practicar
la canción.
there's no heaven
It's easy
if you try
No hell below us
Above us
only sky
Imagine all
the people
Living for
today... Aha-ah...
there's no countries
It isn't
hard to do
Nothing to kill
or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all
the people
Living life
in peace... You...
You may say
I'm a dreamer
But I'm not
the only one
I hope
someday you'll join us
And the
world will be as one
Imagine no
I wonder if
you can
No need for
greed or hunger
brotherhood of man
Imagine all
the people
Sharing all
the world... You...
You may say
I'm a dreamer
But I'm not
the only one
I hope
someday you'll join us
And the
world will live as one
3) Now draw a dove and write your wish
for 2021. Choose one from the list below.
Wish list
I wish poverty ends. Deseo que
termine la pobreza.
I wish there is no more pollution. Deseo
que no haya más covid.
I wish covid ends. Deseo que el covid
I wish the world is more united. Deseo que el mundo sea más unido.
I wish there are more jobs. Deseo que haya más trabajo.
I wish we can go to school. Deseo que podamos ir a la escuela.
I wish there is no hunger. Deseo
que no haya hambre.
I wish there is no more poverty. Deseo que no haya más pobreza.
I wish there is no more cruelty towards animals. Deseo que no haya más maltrato
I wish threre is no more insecurity. Deseo que no haya más inseguridad.
I wish there are no more wars. Deseo que no haya más guerras.
I wish there is world peace. Deseo que haya paz mundial.
I wish 2021 is positive for everybody. Deseo que sea positive para todos.
4 Finally,
can you record yourselves singing a fragment from the song and send it and the
dove to your teacher via whatapp?
Finalmente ¿se pueden grabar
cantando un fragment de la canción y mandarlo junto con la paloma y el deseo a
su docente de grado via whatsapp ? FECHA LÍMITE DE ENTREGA: 24/11/2020